The list will keep getting updated as per new information coming in. You are welcome to suggest additions/deletions in the comments. If you want to check for a specific college, just CTRL+F, because the list is long.

Abilene Christian University | Dunwoody College of Technology | Mid-South Community College | Southern Vermont College |
Adelphi University | Durham Technical Community College | Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary | Southern Virginia University |
AIB College of Business | Earlham College and Earlham School of Religion | Millersville University of Pennsylvania | Southside Regional Medical Center School of Nursing |
Alamance Community College | East Carolina University | Milligan College | Southwestern Christian University |
Alaska Bible College | East Los Angeles College | Minnesota State University Moorhead | Southwestern University |
Albany State University | Eastern Connecticut State University | Misericordia University | Spartanburg College of Aeronautics |
Albion College | Eastern Illinois University | Mississippi Delta Community College | Spartanburg Methodist College |
Alfred University New York State College Ceramics | Eastern Kentucky University | Missouri Baptist University | Springfield College |
Algoma University College | Eastern Maine Community College | Missouri State University Springfield | St John's University Jamaica |
Allegheny Wesleyan College | Eastern Oregon University | Missouri Western State College | St Joseph's College of Nursing |
Allen County Community College | Eastern University | Monmouth University | State University of New York College at Brockport |
Ambrose University College | Edinboro University of Pennsylvania | Monroe College | State University of New York College of Agriculture and Natural Resources |
American College of the Building Arts | Edison State College | Montana State University | State University of New York Binghamton |
American International College | EDP College San Sebastian | Montana State University Northern | State University of New York at Albany |
American Musical and Dramatic Academy | El Centro College | Montana State University Tech Greater Falls | State University of New York at Buffalo |
American University Rome | Elizabethtown College | Montclair State University | State University of New York at Fredonia |
American University DC | Elmira College | Moravian College | State University of New York at Geneseo |
American University of Puerto Rico | Elon University | Morehouse College | State University of New York at New Paltz |
American University of Sharjah | Emerson College | Mount Allison University | State University of New York at Oneonta |
Amherst College | Emmanuel College Georgia | Mount Holyoke College | State University of New York at Oswego |
Anderson University (SC) | Emory University | Mount Mary College | State University of New York at Potsdam |
Andrew College | Erie Business Center Main Campus | Mount Saint Mary's College | Stephens College |
Anne Arundel Community College | Erie Business Center South New Castle | Mount Saint Vincent University | Sterling College (KS) |
Antietam Bible College | Escuela de Artes Plasticas Puerto Rico | Mount Vernon Nazarene University | Stevenson University |
Aquinas College (TN) | Essex Community College | Muhlenberg College | Stockbridge School |
Argosy University Twin Cities | European College of Liberal Arts Berlin | Muskingum College | Stonehill College |
Arizona State University Tempe | Fachhochschule Aachen Abteilung Juelich | Nash Community College | Stony Brook University State University New York |
Arkansas State University | Fairfield University | National Polytechnic College of Science | Suffolk University |
Arkansas State University Beebe | Fairhaven Baptist College | National University | Suffolk University Madrid |
Armstrong Atlantic State University | Fairleigh Dickinson University Vancouver Campus | Nazareth College of Rochester | Sul Ross State University |
The Art Institute of Ohio Cincinnati | Faith Baptist Bible College | Nebraska Christian College | Swarthmore College |
Assumption College | Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising | Nebraska Methodist College | Sweet Briar College |
Atlanta Christian College | Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising San Francisco | Neosho County Community College | Tama University |
Auburn University—Montgomery | Feather River Community College | New College of Florida | Taylor University Upland Campus |
Augsburg College | Ferris State University | New England Institute of Technology | Texas Christian University |
Augustana College South Dakota | Ferrum College | New Jersey Institute of Technology | Texas Tech University |
Austin College | Fitchburg State University | New River Community College | Texas Womans University |
Austin Peay State University | Flagler College | New World School of the Arts | Thammasat University |
Ave Maria University Latin American Campus | Florida Atlantic University | New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts | The King's College |
Azusa Pacific University | Florida College | New York Institute of Technology | Three Rivers Community College (Poplar Bluff, MO) |
Babson College | Florida Gulf Coast University | Newberry College | Tomball College |
Bainbridge College | Florida Institute of Technology | Niagara County Community College | Towson University |
Baker University | Florida International University | Nichols College | Trenholm State Technical College |
Baldwin-Wallace College | Florida State University | Nihon University | Trine University |
Ball State University | Florida Technical College Jacksonville | North Carolina Agricultural Tech State University | Trinity College |
Baltimore International College | Fordham University | North Carolina Central University | Trinity International University College of Liberia |
Baptist Bible College and Seminary | Frankford Hospital School of Nursing | North Carolina State University Raleigh | Truett-McConnell College |
Barbados Community College | Franklin and Marshall College | North Central College | Union Bible College |
Barclay College | Franklin College | North Dakota State University Fargo | Union College New York |
Barton College | Franklin Pierce University | North Georgia College and State University | US Air Force Academy |
Bates College | Free Will Baptist Bible College | Northeastern Technical College | US Coast Guard Academy |
Baylor University | Frostburg State University | Northeastern University | US Marine Corps Syracuse |
Beacon University | Furman University | Northern Arizona University | US Military Academy |
Belhaven College | Gainesville State College | Northern Illinois University | US Naval Academy |
Bellarmine University | Gannon University | Northern Maine Community College | University of Edinburgh |
Belmont Abbey College | Gardner-Webb University | Northern Marianas College | University Central Florida |
Belmont University | George Mason University | Northern Michigan University | University Georgia Athens |
Beloit College | Georgetown College | Northwest Christian University | University of Alabama Birmingham |
Bemidji State University | Georgia Institute of Technology | Northwest Missouri State University | University of Arkansas Community College at Batesville |
Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology | Georgia Perimeter College | Northwest University | University of Arkansas Fayetteville |
Bentley College | Georgia Southern University | Northwestern Technical College | University of Arkansas Monticello |
Berea College | Georgia Southwestern State University | Northwestern University | University of Calgary |
Berks Technical Institute | Gettysburg College | Northwood University Texas | University of Charleston |
Bethany Lutheran College | God's Bible School and College | Northwestern Polytechnic University | University of Chicago |
Bethel College Indiana | Gogebic Community College | Oak Valley College | University of Cincinnati |
Biola University | Goldey-Beacom College | Oakland University | University of Colorado Boulder |
Bloomfield College | Grayson County College | Oberlin College | University of Connecticut |
Blue Ridge Community College | Great Basin College | Occidental College | University of Dallas |
Blue River Community College | Griffith College Dublin | Ocean County College | University of Dayton |
Bluefield College | Grinnell College | Ogeechee Technical College | University of Delaware |
Boise State University | Grove City College | Ohio Bible College | University of Findlay |
Boston College | Guilford Technical Community College | Ohio Business College | University of Florida |
Boston University | Gwynedd-Mercy College | Ohio Dominican University | University of Hartford |
Bowdoin College | Hagerstown Community College | Ohio State University Columbus | University of Hawaii at Manoa |
Bowie State University | Hamilton College (IA) | Ohio University Athens | University of Houston Main Campus |
Bowling Green State University | Hamilton College (NY) | Ohio Valley University | University of Idaho |
Brandeis University | Hampden-Sydney College | Ohio Wesleyan University | University of Illinois Chicago |
Brevard Community College | Hanover College | Okefenokee Technical College | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign |
Brewton-Parker College | Harding University | Oklahoma Panhandle State University | University of Indianapolis |
Bridgewater State College | Hardin-Simmons University | Olin College of Engineering | University of Iowa |
Brookdale Community College | Harford Community College | Omore College of Design | University of La Verne |
Broward Community College Hollywood | Hariri Canadian Academy of Science and Technology | Onondaga Community College | University of Maine Orono |
Brown University | Harris-Stowe State University | Oral Roberts University | University of Mary Hradin-Baylor |
Bryan College | Hartwick College | Oregon State University | University of Mary Washington |
BryanLGH College of Health Sciences | Harvard College | Otero Junior College | University of Maryland Baltimore County |
Bryant and Stratton Eastlake Campus | Haverford College | Otis College of Art and Design | University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Bryant University | Hawaii Pacific University | Otterbein College | University of Massachusetts Boston |
Bryn Athyn College | Heidelberg College | Our Lady of Corpus Christi | University of Massachusetts Dartmouth |
Bryn Mawr College | Helene Fuld School of Nursing Camden | Oxford College | University of Miami |
Bucknell University | Henry Ford Community College | Ozark Christian College | University of Michigan Ann Arbor |
Butler County Community College Kansas | Herbert W Armstrong College | Pacific Union College | University of Michigan Dearborn |
Butler University | Heriot-Watt University | Paris Junior College | University of Minnesota Crookston |
Cabarrus College of Health Sciences | Heritage Baptist University | Park University | University of Minnesota Morris |
California College of the Arts | Heritage Christian University | Parsons Paris School of Design | University of Minnesota Twin Cities |
California Maritime Academy | Herzing College Orlando | Patrick Henry College | University of Montevallo |
California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo (CalPoly) | Hesston College | Paul Quinn College | University of Nebraska Lincoln |
California Polytechnic State University Pomona | Hillsdale College | Peabody Conservatory of Music | University of Nevada Las Vegas |
California State University Bakersfield | Hinds Community College | Penn View Bible Institute | University of New Hampshire Durham |
California State University Channel Islands | Hodges University | Pennsylvania College of Technology | University of North Carolina Chapel Hill |
California State University Chico | Hofstra University | Penn State University Park | University of North Carolina Greensboro |
California State University Dominguez Hills | Hogeschool Universiteit Brussel | Pepperdine University | University of North Carolina Pembroke |
California State University East Bay | Holmes Community College | Peru State College | University of North Dakota Grand Forks |
California State University Fresno | Holy Family University | Pfeiffer University | University of North Alabama |
California State University Fullerton | Horry-Georgetown Technical College | Philadelphia Biblical University | University of North Texas |
California State University Long Beach | Houghton College | Philadelphia University | University of Northern Iowa |
California State University Los Angeles | Houston Community College | Philips Beth Israel School of Nursing | University of Notre Dame |
California State University Mentor | Hudson County Community College | Phoenix College | University of Oregon |
California State University Monterey Bay | Humboldt State University | Piedmont College | University of Pennsylvania |
California State University Northridge | Huntington University | Piedmont Community College | University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh |
California State University Sacramento | Husson University | Piedmont Technical College | University of Pittsburgh Titusville |
California State University San Bernardino | Illinois College | Pitt Community College | University of Portland |
California State University San Marcos | Illinois Eastern Community College Frontier | Pittsburg State University | University of Puget Sound |
California State University Stanislaus | Illinois Eastern Community College Olney | Pitzer College | University of Rhode Island |
Calvary Baptist College | Illinois Wesleyan University | Platt College Colorado | University of Richmond |
Calvin College | Indiana State University | Plattsburgh State University | University of Rochester |
Canadian Mennonite University | Indiana University Bloomington | Plymouth State University | University of Saint Thomas |
Canisius College | Indiana University East | Post University | University of San Diego |
Cape Breton University | Indiana University Kokomo | Potomac State College | University of San Francisco |
Cape Fear Community College | Indiana University of Pennsylvania Academy of Culinary Arts | Presentation College | University of Scranton |
Cardiac & Vascular Technology | Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne | Prince Georges Community College | University of Sioux Falls |
Carleton College | Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis | Princeton University | University of South Carolina Aiken |
Carlow University | Instituto Tec y de Estudios Superior de Monterrey | Purdue University West Lafayette | University of South Carolina Upstate |
Carroll College Montana | International Christian University Japan | Queens University | University of South Florida |
Carroll University | International School University of Haifa | Ramapo College of New Jersey | University of Southern California |
Carson-Newman College | International University in Germany | Randolph-Macon College | University of Southern Maine |
Carthage College | Inver Hills Community College | Raphael Recanati International School | University of Tampa |
Case Western Reserve University | Iona College | Rasmussen Business College Eagan | University of Tennessee Knoxville |
Casper College | Iowa Lakes Community College | Redlands Community College | University of Texas Arlington |
Catawba Valley Community College | Island Drafting and Technical Institute | Reed College | University of the Arts |
Catholic University of America | Ithaca College | Regent University | University of the Cumberlands |
Cathy McMorris | ITT Technical Institute Tucson | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | University of the Incarnate Word |
Cayuga County Community College | Ivy Tech Community College Evansville | Rets College | University of the Ozarks |
Cedar Crest College | Ivy Tech Community College Lafayette | Rhode Island College | University of the Southwest |
Cedarville University | Jacksonville College | Rhodes College | University of Toledo |
Center for American Education | James Madison University | Rich Mountain Community College | University of Tulsa |
Central Alabama Community College Alexander City | JNA Institute of Culinary Arts | Richard Bland College | University of Utah |
Central Alabama Community College Childersburg | John Carroll University | Richmond Community College | University of Vermont |
Central Carolina Technical College | John Paul the Great Catholic University | Ripon College | University of Virginia |
Central Connecticut State University | Johns Hopkins University | Rochester College | University of Virginia's College at Wise |
Central Wyoming College | Johnson C Smith University | Rochester Institute of Technology | University of Washington Bothell |
Centre College | Johnson College | Rock Valley College | University of Windsor |
Charleston Southern University | Jones College | Rockingham Community College | University of Wisconsin Eau Claire |
Chattahoochee Valley Community College | Kalamazoo College | Rocky Mountain College | University of Wisconsin Fond Du Lac |
Chippewa Valley Technical College | Kansas University | Roger Williams University | University of Wisconsin Green Bay |
Christendom College | Keene State College | Rollins College Winter Park | University of Wisconsin Madison |
Christopher Newport University | Keiser College Kendall | Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology | University of Wisconsin Marshfield |
Chukalongkorn BBA | Kenai Peninsula College | Rosemont College | University of Wisconsin Osh Kosh |
City Vision College | Kennesaw State University | Rowan University | University of Wisconsin Stevens Point |
Claremont McKenna College | Kent State University | Rutgers University | University of Wisconsin Stout Menomonie |
Clarendon College | Kentucky Wesleyan College | Sage College Albany | University of Wisconsin Whitewater |
Clark University | Kenyon College | Saginaw Valley State University | University Tokyo PEAK |
Clarkson University | Keuka College | Saint Andrews Presbyterian College | University of Wisconsin Colleges |
Clearwater Christian College | King College | Saint Anselm College | University of Wisconsin Richland Center |
Clemson University | Kings College Pennsylvania | Saint Bonaventure University | University of Wyoming |
Coastal Carolina University | Kings University College | Saint Charles Community College | Ursinus College |
Coe College | Knox College | Saint Clares | Ursuline College |
Cogswell Polytechnical College | Kutztown University of Pennsylvania | Saint Cloud State University | Valdosta State University |
Coker College | Kuyper College | Saint Elizabeth School of Nursing | Valley College of Technology |
Colby College | Kwansei Gakuin University | Saint John Fisher College | Valparaiso University |
College of Charleston | La Salle University | Saint John Vianney College and Seminary | Vance-Granville Community College |
College of Coastal Georgia | Lafayette College | Saint Johns River Community College | Vanderbilt University |
College of Eastern Utah | LaGrange College | Saint Johns University Staten Island | Vassar College |
College of Mount Saint Joseph | Lake Area Technical Institute | Saint Joseph's College | Vesalius College |
College of Mount Saint Vincent | Lake Forest College | Saint Joseph's College ME | Villanova University |
College of New Rochelle | Lake Superior State University | Saint Joseph's College Patchogue | Virginia Polytechnic Institute State University (Virginia Tech) |
College of Office Technology | Lakeland College | Saint Joseph's University | Waldorf College |
College of Saint Benedict/Saint John's University | Lancaster Bible College | Saint Lawrence University | Walla Walla University |
College of Saint Mary | Landmark Baptist College | Saint Leo University | Warner Pacific College |
College of Saint Scholastica | Latter Day Saints Business College | Saint Louis College of Pharmacy | Warren County Community College |
College of Santa Fe | Lehigh University | Saint Louis University Madrid Campus | Wartburg College |
College of Southern Maryland | Lenoir Community College | Saint Margaret School of Nursing | Washington and Jefferson College |
College of Southern Nevada | Lenoir-Rhyne University | Saint Martin's University | Washington and Lee University |
College of the Atlantic | Lesley University | Saint Mary's College (IN) | Washington Bible College |
College of the Mainland | Lester L Cox College of Nursing and Health Science | Saint Mary's College (MD) | Washington Hospital School of Nursing |
College of the Ozarks | Lewis-Clark State College | Saint Mary's Seminary and University | Washington University |
College of Westchester | Lexington College | Saint Mary's University of Minnesota | Watkins College of Art and Design |
College of William and Mary | Liberty University | Saint Mary's University Texas | Waukesha County Technical College |
College of Wooster | Lincoln College | Saint Michael's College Vermont | Wayne State University |
Colorado Christian University | Lincoln Technical Institute Allentown | Saint Olaf College | Waynesburg University |
Colorado College | Lincoln Technical Institute Columbia | Saint Peter's College | Weatherford College |
Colorado State University Ft Collins | Living University | Saint Thomas Aquinas College | Webb Institute |
Columbia Union College | Lon Morris College | Saint Thomas University | Webber International University |
Columbia University | Lone Star College System | Saint Vincent College | Weber State University |
Columbia-Greene Community College | Longy School of Music of Bard College | Salem State College | Wellesley College |
Community and Technical College West Virginia University | Louisburg College | Salisbury University | Wentworth Institute of Technology |
Community Christian College | Louisiana State University Baton Rouge | Salve Regina University | Wesleyan University |
Concordia College | Louisiana Tech University | Sam Houston State University | West Chester University of Pennsylvania |
Concordia College New York | Louisville Technical Institute | San Diego State University | West Shore Community College |
Concordia University (Ann Arbor, MI) | Loyola Marymount University | San Francisco Art Institute | West Virginia University Hospitals Radiologic Tech |
Concordia University Wisconsin | Lubbock Christian University | San Francisco State University | West Virginia University Morgantown |
Contra Costa College | Luther College | San Jose State University | Western Career College Stockton |
Cornell University | Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts | Sandhills Community College | Western Carolina University |
Cottey College | Lynchburg College | Santa Clara University | Western International University-Online |
County College of Morris | Lyon College | Santa Fe Community College | Western Michigan University |
Craven Community College | Manatee Community College | Savannah College of Art and Design | Western Nevada Community College |
Creighton University | Manhattan School of Music | SBS Swiss Business School | Western New England College |
Crossroads College | Mansfield University of Pennsylvania | Schuylkill Health School of Nursing | Western Washington University |
Crown College (TN) | Marian College | Seattle Pacific University | Westfield State College |
Danville Regional Medical Center School of Health Professions | Marist College | Seattle University | Westminster College Pennsylvania |
Dartmouth College | Marlboro College | Sewickley Valley Hospital | Westwood College--DuPage |
Darton College | Marquette University | Shawnee State University | Wheelock College |
Davidson College | Marshall Community Technical College | Simmons College | Whitman College |
Davidson County Community College | Marshall University | Sinclair Community College | Widener University |
Dawson Community College | Mary Baldwin College | Singapore Polytechnic | Willamette University |
Daytona State College | Maryland Institute College of Art | Skidmore College | William Jessup University |
Delta State University | Marymount Manhattan College | Smith College | William Paterson University of New Jersey |
Denver Academy of Court Reporting | Maryville University Saint Louis | Somerset Christian College | William Penn University |
DePauw University | Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Allied Health | Somerset Community College | William Woods University |
DeSales University | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | Sonoma State University | Williams College |
DeVry University | Master's College and Seminary | South Carolina State University | Wilson College |
DeVry University Alpharetta | Matanuska-Susitna Community College | South Piedmont Community College | Wilson Community College |
DeVry University CA | Mayo School of Health Sciences | Southeast Technical Institute | Winthrop University |
DeVry University Centers | McNally Smith College of Music | Southeastern Bible College | Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College |
DeVry University Houston | MedCentral College of Nursing | Southeastern Free Will Baptist College | Wofford College |
DeVry University Long Beach CA | Mercy College Dobbs Ferry | Southeastern Oklahoma State University | Worcester Polytechnic Institute |
DeVry University Missouri | Mercy School of Nursing (PA) | Southeastern Technical College | Worcester State College |
DeVry University Texas | Mercy School of Nursing (NC) | Southern Arkansas University Tech Branch | Word of Life Bible Institute |
Dickinson College | Mercyhurst College | Southern California Institute of Architecture | Wright State University Dayton |
Digipen Institute of Technology | Messenger College | Southern Catholic College | Xavier University |
Divine Word College | Messiah College | Southern Connecticut State University | Xavier University Louisiana |
Dominican College of Blauvelt | Miami Dade College | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | Yellowstone Baptist College |
Dominican University of California | Miami University | Southern Methodist University | York College of Pennsylvania |
Dowling College | Middle Georgia College | Southern New Hampshire University | York St John |
Drake University | Middle Tennessee State University | Southern University Agricultural and Mechanical College | York Technical College |
Drexel University | Middlebury College | Southern Utah University | Young Harris College |
Duke University | Midreshet Lindenbaum | Â | Â |
We see a lot of colleges taking the super-score for Digital SAT, so make sure you check for your dream college in the list above before making a decision on whether to super-score or not.
*SAT, Digital SAT are registered trademarks owned by the College Board, and EduretiX is not related to the College Board in any way or holds any ownership on the trademarks.